Optimizing server performance: Port encryption and Buffer Pool settings 优化服务器性能:端口加密和缓冲池设置
Firstly, we try to make best use of high-speed serial communication capability of the hardware through methods such as: modifying interface speed of serial port driver, improving the receiving flow; utilizing the mechanism of buffer and adding the mechanism of flow control. 首先通过修改串行口驱动程序中的接口速率、改进接收流程、利用缓冲机制以及添加流控机制,充分利用了硬件的高速串行通信能力;
With the USB interface module-USB100, Its receiver can realize high speed data communication with the notebook computer through USB port without data buffer and extra operation power supply. 凭借专用的USB接口模块-USB100,遥测接收机可以通过USB端口与笔记本计算机实现高速数据通信而无需缓存和额外工作电源。
To make the best use of high-speed serial communication capability, several methods such as modifying baud-rate of serial port driver, utilizing buffer area and adding flow-control were adopted. 为了充分发挥硬件的高速异步串行通信能力,采用了修改串行口驱动程序中的接口波特率、利用缓冲机制并添加流量控制等方法并收到良好效果;
The interface uses a circuit based on dual port FIFO buffer memory to realize data transfer of different I/ O velocity between the two computers. 该接口采用双端口FIFO缓冲存储技术,实现两机间不同I/O速度的数据通信。
Using dual port RAM as shared data buffer to implement synchronous exchange of real-time data, this supervisory control system operates in synchronous parallel mode, so real-time performance of this system can be ensured. 该监控系统利用双口RAM作为共享的数据缓冲区,实现实时数据的同步交换。系统以同步并行方式工作,确保了监控的实时性。
API functions and their parameters setting such as opening and closing serial port, setting buffer area, reading and writing serial port, overlapped I/ O opera-tion, watching communication event, which are relevant closely to serial communication programming, are introduced. 介绍了开关串口、初始化串口、设置缓冲区、读写串口、重叠I/O操作、监视通信事件等与串行通信编程密切相关的API函数及其参数设置。
The method to allocate the data buffers, port bandwidth, maximum user waiting time and minimum user buffer requirements are analyzed theoretically. 从理论上分析了用户的缓冲区分配原则、端口总线带宽、用户最大服务等待时间和最小缓冲区数量等工作参数。
Bus module is responsible for moving data from the input port buffer to the output port buffer. 总线模块负责将输入端口缓存的数据搬移到输出端口缓存。
Limited by port land condition, the back-up yards have better location advantages as buffer areas, and cause more and more attentions. 受到港口陆域条件的限制,后方堆场作为港口物流系统缓冲区,拥有更好的地理位置优势。
EP1C3T144C6 ′ s features of designs being flexible to change can significantly shorten the development time and its high-speed I/ O port realizes the high-speed data buffer by transferring the task into parallel low-speed data processing, which reduces the burden of backend ARM. 利用EP1C3T144C6设计可随意改变的特点,大大的缩短了研制时间;利用其高速I/O口,实现了高速数据的缓冲,将任务转化为了并行处理低速据,减轻了后端ARM的负担。